Basic RGB

Morii Lake - location

  • 6th District Bucharest
  • The land is located in the northwest of Bucharest, in the proximities of Giulesti street, and Morii Lake, the largest lake of the city
  • The surface is nearly  S= 12 Ha

Morii Lake - accessibility

Public transport access: bus lines 162 and 163, N110;  tram lines 11 and 44, both on Giulesti street

Nearest subway station: Crangasi, approx 2,7 km away

From Giulesti street the access to the plot is done through several consolidated streets: Lacul Ursului, Migdalului, Dudului, Plesului

Route 1 – main access route from center:  Turda- Grant Bridge- Calea Crangasi – Bulevardul Constructorilor – Calea Giulești

Driving time: cca. 9 min

Route 2 – potential access route

Turda- Grant Bridge – Calea Giulești

Potential Route 3 – road on the border  of the lake, approved through the PUZ of Sector 6